Book 10 of 2021
A little late here but it goes under 2021.
The Push by Ashley Audrian. 4/5 ⭐️
This thriller/mystery made me forget everything around me. I flew through chunks at a time. I craved it when I was busy with my daily duties.
We follow Blythe through a period of 15+ years. She has 2 children, one who at times is acting strange and unpredictable for reasons unknown. Sometimes death follows her. It's a fragile relationship with resentment
and despair. But also love. A silent, great deal of it. We also get some intense chapters from Blythe's grandmother's time in the 50's which I enjoyed.
The ending was perfect and unexpected and for that I would love for there to be a second book!

Book 9 of 2021
Playing Nice by JP Delaney 4,5/5

What would you have done if someone knocked on your door and told you that your 3 year old isn't your biological child, and that the child you gave birth to is living with another family. A swap happened at the hospital and now the families have to deal with the situation...
as it happens, in very different ways.
This book was so captivating. I flew through the 400 something pages in less than a week. I loved the twists and turns and will recommend it to anyone looking for a subtle thrill. :)
Book 8 of 2021
A house at the bottom of a lake - 2/5 stars

This is a story about two people who go on a date in a canoe. They explore the lakes and stumble upon a house at the bottom of the lake. The house is not floating neither is the furniture or items inside it. From here we
get to know the characters and see their relationship evolve. The book is about falling in love with a tad of horror.
For me it wasn't up to the hype, and I'm PRETTY sure I've wasted my time lol. The only good this was that it was a short story! :)
Book 7 of 2021
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

We follow Jason who one night gets robbed by a stranger and when he wakes up his wife is no longer his wife and his son was never born. We are thrown into a rabbit hole of multiverses. It's a mind-fuck and hands you some pretty provocative thoguhts about life choices and regrets.
Sci-fi is not my go-to but I'm always up for a new experience. I enjoyed it but didn't love it.
Its a 3/5 stars ⭐️ for me.
Book 6 of 2021
Regretting you - Colleen - 3/5 stars
Having started to blog about the books I read in 2021 I shall continue even if my general blogging is in hibernation.

This one didnt take me long to finish but I have to say it put me to sleep more times than I will admit. I am over the teenage love romance and as this filled half the book it just wasnt for me. Still, okay story line but could have had at least
ONE twist(?) to make it more of a page turner.
We follow from 2 perspectives- Morgan a young mother and her teenage daughter Clara. One day Morgan’s husband and sister are in a car accident. The aftermath of this incident and whatever news are surfaced
after rushing to the hospital is immensely hard and we get to see how things unfold thereafter.
Book 5 in 2021
Top Secret by Sarina and Elle - 4/5
I never read a male/male romance before but a review got me inspired to read something different.

Obviously I can't relate except to the fact that "a man can be hot" and so I understand the attraction described between the main characters. Sometimes I found it a liiiittle hard to read(imagine) some of the scenes heheheh
but the writing, especially about their chemistry, was fucking amazing. I was hooked from page one. The storyline was very entertaining!
Book 4 in 2021
The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain - 5 / 5 stars.

I am out of breath. This book will stay with me forever. It is such a beautiful, clever storyline and I was in
a FLOOD. In a good way. ♥
a FLOOD. In a good way. ♥
We follow Carly in 1970 whose unborn baby needs a heart surgery in order to survive, but in the 70’s this surgery
is not available. Her new brother-in-law claims he is a time traveller and can send her to year
2001 where the baby can have the surgery while inside the womb.
A series of events leads from there which makes you think and rethink everything about time and what it really is..
Book 3 in 2021
Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf - 3/5 stars

This isn't the usual book I’d read but it was the book club’s pick. I was pleased it was fairly short as I wasn't a fan of the writing style. I enjoyed reading something outside of my comfort zone
so it was still worth it. And it was sweet enough for me to watch the Netflix Movie they made from it.
Update: The book was better for sure.
Update: The book was better for sure.
Book 2 of 2021
The Housewarming - 2,5/5 stjärnor.
En kvinna vars 2åriga dotter försvinner i deras hem, springer runt på gatan i panik för att leta men lyckas inte hitta henne. Efter ett år blir kvinnan och hennes make inbjudna på fest i grannhuset där resten av grannskapet också är inbjudna. En kommentar i förbifarten gör att allt bubblas upp till ytan igen. Vad hände egentligen med deras dotter?

Det tog lång tid att ta mig igenom boken då jag inte gillade skrivsättet. Det gick lite för sakta för min smak. På framsidan står det att boken innehåller en "shocking twist" men jag tyckte inte att det var så, utan den twisten var ganska förutsägbar!
Book 1 in 2021
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo - 5/5
Vilken underbar start på mitt bokår! Tre dagar tog det att flyga igenom denna story! Och en halv dag i tårar.
Fick sitta inne på toaletten för att inte skrämma barnen lol!
Fick sitta inne på toaletten för att inte skrämma barnen lol!

Vi får genom tillbakablickar följa en ung kvinna på 50-talet som tar sig an Hollywood på ett sätt som ingen annan gjort innan. Hon tar för sig i karriär, sex-och kärleksliv och blir känd inom kort tid.
Men allt har sitt pris. Vem av alla var Evelyns stora kärlek? Och varför vill Evelyn att en ung kvinna som hon aldrig varken träffat eller känner ska skriva ett repotage om henne innan hon fyller 80år.
Så mycket över förväntan. Jag glömde av tiden, glömde av mina måsten... jag älskade den. En sån fin bok, rekommenderar den starkt. Vilket perspektiv på livet denna boken gav mig!