freedom is oxygen for our soul
Its been snowing for 2 days but no snow stays on the gruond even if it's freezing. Like the coldest winter in 10 years kind-of-cold. There might be some scientific reason for it that I dont understand cant be arsed to find out. Sooo, yeah, that's it. Its literally ALL I have to say haha. Yep, life's fun right now.

Ok, homeschooling is going well and next week is half term. I really can't tell who is more excited, me or the kids? Lol.
For the people who dont understand entirely: homeschooling takes up pretty much the whole day. Depending on the independence of your child and the system of the particular school of course. For us, it takes up about 8 hours of the day. Including short breaks. Lunch time has never been more anticipated hehh.